A beast in bed, it was a nice change to get Bo on my massage table completely relaxed and at my mercy. We start off with Bo face down so you get a great look at his broad, beefy shoulders and monstrous legs. I don't make you wait too long though until I'm spreading those beautiful cheeks and having a taste of Bo's ass. Once I'm satisfied with that he flips over and it's on to massaging his rugged pecs and bulging biceps. Before long I'm choking down his thick tool. If you watch Bo's other work, you'll find that 'soft and sensual' isn't really his thing. So, I decide to throw him a bone and instruct him to hop off the table and fuck my face. I trade places with Bo and he obliges until he spews a hot load right in my mouth, which is my kind of happy ending.
If you want to see Bo in several scenes of straight porn made for gay men, including a bi-sexual scene, check his scenes out on Straight Guys for Gay Eyes (SG4GE). Click Here.
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